Prices Basics

Fillet uses Prices for many different calculations.

Create Prices for your supplier’s Ingredients. Then Fillet will use this information for different calculations.


To set up a new ingredient price, enter a unit of measurement, the quantity per unit, and a monetary amount.

Each Price has these parts:

  • Ingredient name
  • Supplier (Purveyor or Vendor)
  • Monetary amount
  • Measurement unit
  • Amount per unit
Ingredient name Flour
Vendor Baking Supply Shop
Monetary amount US$3.00
Amount per unit kg
Measurement unit 1

This means that Baking Supply Shop sells Flour for the Price of $3.00 per 1 kilogram.

Learn about units of measure, different types of units, and how to use them in Fillet.

Usage Avoiding conversion issues

Fillet uses Prices for many different calculations.

For example, when calculating the cost of a Recipe using certain Ingredients.

If a Price uses an Abstract Unit, you should specify its conversion to a mass or volume unit.

Conversion issues arise because there is no conversion specified between the different units of measurement involved.

These conversion issues prevents Fillet apps from doing the relevant calculations.

Ingredient: Flour
Amount Unit Type of Unit
1 bag Abstract
1 Kilogram (kg) Mass
8 Cup (US) Volume
Tip: If you frequently use abstract units for your ingredient measurements, you should specify conversion at the time that you create the new abstract unit. This will help you to avoid issues later when working with recipes and menu items.

Create a new Price

Select a vendor

Learn about Import Price Data, how to get started, and preparing to import
iOS and iPadOS
  1. In Prices, select a Purveyor from the All Purveyors list.
  2. Tap add product.
  3. Enter price information:
    • monetary amount,
    • amount per unit, and
    • measurement unit.
  4. Tap the unit to select a different measurement unit for the Price or create a new Abstract Unit.
  1. In Vendors, select a vendor from the Vendors list.
  2. Tap the New Price button.
  3. Enter price information:
    • monetary amount,
    • amount per unit, and
    • measurement unit.

    Tap the change unit button to select a different measurement unit for the Price or create a new Abstract Unit.

  1. In Vendors, select a vendor from the Vendors list.
  2. Enter price information:
    • monetary amount,
    • amount per unit, and
    • measurement unit.
  3. You can select a different measurement unit for the Price or create a new Abstract Unit.

Create a new Price

In an Ingredient

You can also create a new Price directly in an Ingredient:

iOS and iPadOS
  1. In an Ingredient, tap add purveyor.
  2. Select a Purveyor.
  3. Enter price information:
    • monetary amount,
    • amount per unit, and
    • measurement unit.
  4. Tap the unit to select a different measurement unit for the Price or create a new Abstract Unit.
  1. In an Ingredient, tap the New Price button.
  2. Enter price information:
    • monetary amount,
    • amount per unit, and
    • measurement unit.

    Tap the change unit button to select a different measurement unit for the Price or create a new Abstract Unit.

  1. In an Ingredient, tap the New Price button.
  2. Enter price information:
    • monetary amount,
    • amount per unit, and
    • measurement unit.
  3. Tap the unit to select a different measurement unit for the Price or create a new Abstract Unit.

Create multiple Prices

An Ingredient can have multiple Prices from different suppliers.

Different Prices can use different measurement units.

One Ingredient with multiple Prices from multiple suppliers


“Apples” is one Ingredient with multiple prices from multiple suppliers.

Ingredient: Apples
Supplier Prices per Unit
Apple Farm 1 US$2.00 1 kg
Apple Farm 2 US$3.00 1 kg
Apple Farm 3 US$1.50 1 lb
Apple Farm 4 US$5.00 1 box
Apple Farm 5 US$10.00 1 crate

This Ingredient has 5 different Prices from 5 different suppliers.

Some of these Prices use different units, including Abstract units (“box”, “crate”)

One Ingredient with multiple Prices from one supplier

A supplier can have multiple prices for the same Ingredient, such as sale prices or volume discounts.


“Lemons” is one Ingredient with multiple prices from one supplier.

Ingredient: Lemons
Supplier Prices per Unit
Lemon Farm US$5.00 1 kg
Lemon Farm US$30.00 10 kg
Lemon Farm US$100.00 1 crate

This Ingredient has 3 different Prices from the same supplier.

There are different reasons for these different Prices:

  • “$5.00/kg” is regular price.
  • “$30.00 per 10 kg” is a sale price ($3.00/kg).
  • “$100.00 per 1 crate” is a volume discount because 1 crate is 50 kg ($2.00/kg).