Supplier (Purveyor or Vendor)

Fillet uses Prices for many different calculations.

Create Prices for your supplier’s Ingredients. Then Fillet will use this information for different calculations.


Suppliers (Purveyors or Vendors) sell Ingredients.

Use Orders to order Ingredients (products) from your suppliers.

Create Prices for your supplier’s Ingredients. Then Fillet will use this information for different calculations.

iOS and iPadOS
  1. In the Prices list, tap to create a new Price.
  2. Enter a name for the new Purveyor.
  1. In Vendors, tap the New Vendor button.
  2. Enter a name for the new Vendor.
  1. In Vendors, tap the New Vendor button.
  2. Enter a name for the new Purveyor.
  3. Tap Done to save.


Enter details about your new supplier, or set it up later.

Supplier detail Features
Notes Enter Notes about this supplier, such as delivery schedule, minimum order, and more.
Add product Create a Price for an Ingredient sold by this supplier.
Vendor profile Save contact information about this supplier.

Vendor profile Edit supplier’s profile

Your supplier’s email is saved in the supplier’s Profile.

Use saved Shipping locations and supplier details (Purveyor Profile) to send more orders faster.

iOS and iPadOS
  1. In Prices, select a Purveyor from the All Purveyors list.
  2. Tap Profile.
  3. When you’re done, tap Save Changes.
  4. Enter or modify vendor’s information:
    • name
    • email address
    • Business address
    • phone number.
  1. In Vendors, select a vendor from the Vendors list.
  2. Tap Profile.
  3. Enter or modify vendor’s information:
    • email address
    • Business address
    • phone number.
  4. Tap Save Vendor Profile.
  1. In Vendors, select a vendor from the Vendors list.
  2. Select an ingredient for this new price.
  3. Enter price information:
    • monetary amount,
    • amount per unit, and
    • measurement unit.

Delete supplier

iOS and iPadOS
  1. In Prices, select a Purveyor from the All Purveyors list.
  2. In the Purveyor, tap Delete purveyor.
  1. In Vendors, select a vendor from the Vendors list.
  2. In the Vendor, tap , then Delete.
  1. In the Vendors tab, select a vendor.
  2. In the selected vendor, click the Actions button and select "Delete".
  3. Click the Delete button to confirm this action.


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