Data tables for Country of Origin

Learn about the various data tables and Origins data insights.


The Country of Origin tab consists of the following tables:

You also have the option to view Origins data according to mass or volume.

When viewing data by mass, the unit of measurement is grams ("g"), and when viewing by volume, the unit of measurement is milliliters ("mL"). Learn more

Country of Origin table


This table consists of the following columns:

  • Country of Origin
  • Raw mass (g) 1
  • Percent of Total Raw Mass (%) 2

1, 2 If the Volume option is selected, these columns will be Raw volume ("mL") and Percent of Total Raw Volume (%), respectively.


This table presents the following data:

  • Each country that represented in the selected recipe.
  • Raw amount of ingredient from each country, measured in mass ("g") or volume ("mL").
  • Raw amount of ingredient from each country relative to the selected recipe's total raw amount, expressed as a percentage (%).

Note: Raw mass and raw volume refer to input values, that is, the raw amounts that were entered by the user. Fillet consolidates these amounts in this table, which means that sum totals include any raw amounts of ingredients contained in sub-recipes.


This table provides the following insights:

  • Raw amount of ingredients, per country
    • For each country represented in the selected recipe, see the raw amount of ingredients that have that country of origin.
    • Amounts are sorted in descending order, from the highest amount of raw amount to the lowest.
  • Representation of countries
    • See all the countries that are represented in the selected recipe.
    • Get insights into any concentrations of ingredients from specific countries.
    • Detect incomplete information, if any. If any ingredients do not have a country of origin specified, you will see the message "Not specified"when viewing that ingredient’s country of origin information.

Ingredients table


This table consists of the following columns:

  • Ingredient name
  • Raw mass (g) 1
  • Layers
  • Percent of Total Raw Mass (%) 2
  • Country of Origin

1, 2 If the Volume option is selected, these columns will be Raw volume ("mL") and Percent of Total Raw Volume (%), respectively.


This table presents the following data:

  • Each ingredient that is inside in the selected recipe. (This includes ingredients inside sub-recipes, which are recipes inside the selected recipe.)
  • Raw amount of each ingredient in the selected recipe, measured in mass ("g") or volume ("mL").
  • The chain of relationships between each ingredient and the selected recipe. The chain of relationships consists of layers of sub-recipes. The top-level layer is the selected recipe.
  • Raw amount of each ingredient to the selected recipe's total raw amount, expressed as a percentage (%).
  • Country of origin for each ingredient in the selected recipe.


This table provides the following insights:

  • Raw mass of each ingredient
    • See precise amounts of raw mass for each ingredient inside the selected recipe, including ingredients inside sub-recipes.
    • Amounts are sorted in descending order, from the highest amount of raw mass to the lowest.
  • Usage frequency of each ingredient
    • See how frequently each ingredient is used in the selected recipe, and in which layers of sub-recipes.
    • Get insights about which ingredients are frequently used and in what contexts.
    • Detect any incomplete information. If any ingredients do not have a country of origin specified, you will see the message "Not specified"when viewing that ingredient’s country of origin information.

Sub-recipes table


This table consists of the following columns:

  • Sub-recipe name
  • Raw mass (g) 1
  • Layers
  • Percent of Total Raw Mass (%) 2

1, 2 If the Volume option is selected, these columns will be Raw volume ("mL") and Percent of Total Raw Volume (%), respectively.


This table presents the following data:

  • Each sub-recipe that is inside in the selected recipe. (This includes sub-recipes inside other sub-recipes within the selected recipe.)
  • Raw amount of each sub-recipe in the selected recipe, measured in mass ("g") or volume ("mL").
  • The chain of relationships between each sub-recipe and the selected recipe. The chain of relationships consists of layers of sub-recipes. The top-level layer is the selected recipe.
  • Raw amount of each sub-recipe to the selected recipe's total raw amount, expressed as a percentage (%).


This table provides the following insights:

  • Raw mass of each sub-recipe
    • See amounts of raw mass for each sub-recipe inside the selected recipe, including sub-recipes inside other sub-recipes.
    • Amounts are sorted in descending order, from the highest amount of raw mass to the lowest.
  • Usage frequency of each sub-recipe
    • See how frequently each sub-recipe is used in the selected recipe, and within which layers of sub-recipes.
    • Get insights about which sub-recipes are frequently used and in what contexts or combinations.
