Supported country code standards and data handling for new standards

Learn about working with ISO 3166 in Fillet Origins and how data is handled when new versions of country code standards are published.

What standards do you support for country codes?

Currently, Fillet Origins uses ISO 3166.

Can I enter a code from older versions of ISO 3166?

Currently, Fillet Origins supports the following versions of the ISO 3166:

ISO 3166-1:2020

What happens to my existing data when a new version of ISO 3166 is published?

Any country of origin data that you input is retained as part of your Fillet data. When you use the Fillet web app to input country of origin information, this data is automatically backed up.

When new versions of ISO 3166 are published, any data you enter using the new ISO versions will be appended to your existing data. This means that you can specify a country of origin for your ingredients using any of our supported ISO versions. Moreover, you will be able to differentiate between data that you entered using different versions of ISO 3166 that we support.

For reference, the following is the official history of publications and revisions for ISO 3166:

  • ISO 3166 was first published in 1974, with subsequent editions published in 1981, 1988 and 1993.
  • In 1997, ISO 3166 was divided into three parts: 3166-1, 3166-2, and 3166-3.
  • ISO 3166-1 was first published in 1997, with subsequent editions published in 2006 and 2013.

Can I record more geographic details in addition to country code?

Currently no, but this will likely be supported in the future.
