Send orders to suppliers
Send orders to suppliers
Send orders to multiple suppliers at the same time.
Send orders to your suppliers to purchase ingredients.
You can send multiple orders to multiple suppliers at the same time.
Get notifications when suppliers confirm your orders.
Orders confirmed by your suppliers.
When you send orders to your suppliers,
they can confirm your order status online,
You can view the status of your current orders.
Orders - Confirmation email
When an Order is sent successfully, you and your suppliers receive an email copy of your Order Confirmation.
Shipping Location
Use saved Shipping locations and supplier details (Purveyor Profile) to send more orders faster. Shipping Locations are locations where your Orders can be delivered.
Vendor profile
Enter or modify vendor’s information: Enter Notes about this supplier, such as delivery schedule, minimum order, and more.
For each supplier, you can select an existing Shipping Location or create a new Shipping Location.