Locale in Import Price Data
When you use the Import Price Data tool, you must select a locale. This locale specifies the language and number formatting settings that you want to use.
Locale is relevant to the following parts of Import Price Data:
- Download template file
- Upload a completed file and start the import process
The Import Price Data tool will suggest a locale to you, but you should confirm that this locale is the same locale that you use in the Fillet apps.
Download template file
When you download a template file, the locale sets the language and number formatting settings for the spreadsheet.
Note:The header row is translated into the language for your selected locale, however, the fixed list for units of measure are not translated or localized.
Upload file and import price data
When you upload a completed file, the locale is used to correctly import the data according to your language and number formatting settings.
Note:You should review the units of measure in your file before you start the import process. Keep in mind that the fixed list for units of measure are not translated or localized.
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