Fix errors in import data file

Learn how to fix errors in the file that you want to import.
This will help you to import your data successfully.

Nasvet: In your preferred spreadsheet application, use Conditional Highlighting to highlight any empty cells.
Ime sestavine Znesek Enota Cena
Almond Butter, Creamy 1 torba
Almond Milk, Refrigerated, Unsweetened 1 94.38
Almond Milk, Unsweetened, Plain, Shelf Stable škatla 55.26
1 kg 193.88
Amaranth Flour 20 kg $166.67
Amaranth Flour, Organic 20 kg AUD 320.97
Bananas, Ripe, Medium Size, Dehydrated 100 kg 122.50
Barley Flour 20 kg 130.56

Ingredient price is not entered

You must enter a price for each row.

The ingredient price cannot be empty.

Ime sestavine Znesek Enota Cena
Almond Butter, Creamy 1 torba

Currency symbols should not be included

Cena: Ta stolpec lahko vsebuje samo številke. Ne sme vsebovati črk ali posebnih znakov. Poleg tega, čeprav se ti podatki nanašajo na denarni znesek, ne vnašajte nobenih simbolov valut ($, ¥, €, £, ₩ itd.) ali kod valut (USD, JPY, EUR, AUD itd.).

Ime sestavine Znesek Enota Cena
Amaranth Flour 20 kg $166.67
Amaranth Flour, Organic 20 kg AUD 320.97

Unit of measurement is not entered

You must enter a unit of measurement for each row.

The unit of measurement cannot be empty.

Enota: ta stolpec vsebuje besedilo, natančneje mersko enoto, ki je uporabljena v ceni sestavine. Med postopkom uvoza bo Fillet poskušal prepoznati vnesene enote. Nauči se več
Ime sestavine Znesek Enota Cena
Almond Milk, Refrigerated, Unsweetened 1 94.38

Amount is not entered

You must enter an amount for each row.

The amount cannot be empty.

Količina: ta stolpec lahko vsebuje samo številke. Ne sme vsebovati črk ali posebnih znakov.

Ime sestavine Znesek Enota Cena
Almond Milk, Unsweetened, Plain, Shelf Stable škatla 55.26

Ingredient name is not entered

You must enter an ingredient name for each row.

The ingredient name cannot be empty.

Sestavina: Ta stolpec vsebuje besedilo, ki je ime sestavine. V ta stolpec lahko vnesete črke, številke in posebne znake.

Ime sestavine Znesek Enota Cena
1 kg 193.88

Empty rows

Check that there are no empty rows in the CSV file.

Delete all empty rows, if any.

Ime sestavine Znesek Enota Cena
Almond Butter, Creamy 1 torba
Nasvet: In your preferred spreadsheet application, use Conditional Highlighting to highlight any empty cells.

File is not in CSV format

Če oblika datoteke ni pravilna, uporabite želeno aplikacijo za preglednice, da izvozite datoteko v obliki zapisa CSV ali postavite stolpce v pravilen vrstni red.

Columns in wrong order

The columns must be in the same order as the template file.

Ne spreminjajte vrstnega reda stolpcev v predlogi preglednice. To bo povzročilo napako med postopkom uvoza. Vrstni red stolpcev od prvega do zadnjega mora biti naslednji: Sestavina, Količina, Enota, Cena.

If any columns are in the wrong order, use your preferred spreadsheet application to put the columns in correct order.

Ime sestavine Cena Znesek Enota
Barley Flour 130.56 20 kg
A photo of food preparation.